Friday, 10 June 2016

Hueys for Orks

     I love Mary Gentle's idea about Orks having access to all sorts of weapons and equipment (See Grunts, by Mary Gentle) it fits in with my love of being able to field anything that takes your fancy, as long as your opponent agrees.  So, here is Da 1st Choppaz!

The 1st Choppaz

(Official History)

The 1st Choppaz owes its existence to two brothers, Brain Storma and Sneak. Actually nobody knows Sneak's real name, you know how it is, there's always the famous one and the other one. However, as Sneak was a master of cunning and surprise, he would probably be pleased with this state of affairs.

The brothers were born into The Broken Fang clan, but right from the word go, the other members of the clan thought that there was something not right about them. The neighbour of their parents recalls: “They wuz never right, if you know wot I mean? They wuz always sneakin' about an' fiddlin' wiv stuff. It ain't rite fer an Ork u know.”

Things came to a head the night before Brain Storma and Sneak were to take their rightful places amongst The clan. They simply disappeared. They went to bed as normal and were gone in the morning. Nobody knows what happened, although rumour and speculation are rife, but they weren't seen again for over a year and their reappearance has become the stuff of legend.

Humans had launched a massive invasion of Aper, the home planet of The Broken Fang, taking the clan totally by surprise. A series of bloody defeats had seen the Orks driven back to The Slumz, an area of ravines and low mountains where the detritus of Ork society tried to eke out a living. The situation was growing increasingly difficult for the Orks, as the humans had established a FOP (forward observation post) on what they called, Signal Hill.

Hidden amongst broken rocks and gullies, the Orks watched as the humans gathered themselves for a final assault, when suddenly the sky split and a flying 'thing' appeared, shrouded in thick smoke. Rock music blared out, nearly deafening those on the ground below with The Mob Rulez and fiery trails preluded repeated explosions across the summit of Signal Hill.

There was a roar similar to that of a MG and suddenly the humans were in disarray. At first it was a wavering in their lines, then individuals began to break ranks. This quickly became a stream and the stream quickly grew into a raging river, as the human army tried to flee the airborne death that was hunting them.

Finally, the weapon fire ceased, the rock music fell silent and all that could be heard, was the noise of the strange craft's engines. The Orks rose to their feet and began cheering their saviour, as they shakily walked into the open. What we now call a helicopter, flew along their ragged lines, until it hovered in front of the clan chief, Gut Rippa. Their was a collective gasp of surprise, as everyone recognised Brain Storma and Sneak through the windscreen, then the helicopter slowly wheeled around and disappeared towards the setting sun.

From that moment on, there has been a trickle of Orks who leave the clan and head off into the dark, never to be seen again. But the story of Brain Storma and The 1st Choppaz has become a legend among Ork clans far and wide. Although still nominally members of The Broken Fang, the members if the1st are more like freelancers, who will fight for any Ork with enough money to make it worth their while. They never have to be summoned, always seeming to appear exactly when the moment is right.
The 1st consists of 120 fighting Orks that are organised into 4 squadrons of 30 Orks in 3 Choppaz. The members of the outfit consider themselves to be special forces, although none of them have any idea as to what this really is.

Their first major operation as a unit was to take another hill, this one called The Boarz Teef in the Black Boar Mountains, prior to the clan launching operation Smash 'Em. Even though they had already spent a week behind enemy lines doing some reekon for the planned offensive, A section was given the honour of taking the hill.

They flew in low, virtually at ground zero, trying to avoid being spotted by the enemy, but as they started to climb the northern side of their target, they came under concentrated fire from ground troops. Brain Storma himself was in the second choppa and as Fate would have it, this was the one that was forced to land when its rear rotor was hit.

The pilot brought the craft down safely, but the Orks found themselves less than halfway to the summit. Brain Storma organised his team and they headed towards what they hoped would be friendly positions by the time they got there.

The terrain was arduous, even for Orks and sunset found them still short of their objective. They took shelter for the night in a cave that was deep enough for them to have a small fire, without its light being spotted by anyone outside and after posting two sentries, the rest of the squad turned in.

All hell broke loose at around 02.00 hours when a male tauranox that had been tracking them, tried to take one of the sentries for its midnight snack. Both sentries opened fire, totally forgetting their training and the fact that they were technically behind enemy lines. But a lucky shot quickly brought the huge predator down and left everyone with a hearty breakfast when the sun finally began to rise at 06.30.

After a great start to the day with barbequed tauranox, the section took off uphill and reached the rest of their squadron around noon. The others had used demo charges to make a rough clearing and the rest of the day was spent opening it up so that other choppaz could land with reinforcements.

During that night, the enemy infiltrated to within small weapons range and the Orks came under sporadic fire from snipers that they couldn't see due to the heavy undergrowth. But once there was enough light to the following morning, Brain Storma sent out a squad to consolidate their position. The following is an excerpt from the squad's report:

'After 'alf 'an 'our of workin' our way through 'evy bush, we came across one uv the 'umanz. 'E must av thought we wuz wun uv em, cuz 'e stood up an' da look on 'is face wuz a pikture. 'E stood der wiv 'is arms by 'is side, 'is eyes an' mouf wide open not nowin' wot to do. So we shot 'im.'

Once their perimeter was clear, the Orks could enjoy an unspoilt view of the main battle as it played out hundreds of feet below them. All they had to do was spot enemy movements and call in ranges and positions to the 'evy guns.

The Orks of The 1st held their LZ high above a vast ocean of clouds and jungle for close to three weeks, providing vital fire support and Komms relay for the Orks taking part in the main offensive. Without their support, it is doubtful whether operation Smash 'Em would have succeeded.
Choppa – 200 points + crew, weapons and equipment 
Move – 12+2xD6” Armour – 8 Save - 4+
Crew – Pilot + at least 3
2 HMG's that are forward firing – 15 points
Range 36” Strength 5 may fire 3 times
1 HMG by either side door with a 180º arc of fire – 15 points
Range 36” Strength 5 may fire 3 times
(There is a selection of ammunition to choose from for HMG's at an extra cost. This is detailed in the specifications appendix that comes with the main rules sets.)
May carry 4 missiles, may choose which type (specifications depend on the type chosen)
a forward firing mini-gun – 30 points
Range – 24 Strength – 4 may fire 4 times.
After the gun has fired, roll a D6 on 4+ you may fire 4 times again and keep doing so as long as you roll a 4+. If you are not successful you may not fire next turn as the gun has to be reloaded.
May use flare dischargers

Can fly, all be it erratically! The choppaz move 12” + 2xD6” to represent their erratic nature. Roll once per turn for all choppaz in a squadron.
All choppaz must maintain a maximum of 12” from the nearest choppa.
They can fly over all terrain.
They count as -1SS for enemy firing at them while flying
They may hover.
Must land to pick up troops but troops can rappel, which means the Choppa can hover and still deploy troops.
Choppaz are only lightly armoured, but the pilots are so bad that the craft is all over the place, making it a miracle if the enemy can hit them. Hence they get a 4+ save similar to as if they were dodging incoming fire.
Shock Attak – The squadron turns on huge speakers as they launch their attack and have Mob Rulez by Black Sabbath roaring out at full volume. The enemy must pass a reliability (R) test in their first turn, or suffer -1 FS and -1 SS for that turn.
Can carry 10 Orks as passengers

Brain Storma – 100 points + weapons, equipment and skills
Brain Storma is the leader of the Choppaz
May add 1 point to 2 stats. EG you could give him an extra attack and a R of 10
May have up to 2 skills
Brain Storma may take equipment from the character equipment at an extra cost.
Frenzy – he is so protective over his babies that he gets double attacks when he charges.

Sneak – 50 points + weapons, equipment and skills
May add 1 point to 2 stats. EG you could give him an extra attack and a R of 9
May have up to 2 skills
Sneak may take equipment from the character equipment at an extra cost.

Da Choppaz – 15 points + weapons, equipment and skills
You may add 1 to a single stat EG you could give them an extra attack.
May have a Save of 4+. This can be invulnerable. May have powered body armour
May have up to 1 skill
May have a single handed close combat weapon, grenades and demo charges
Each figure may also have portable weapons such as LMG's, flamethrowers

1 Ork from each unit of 10 may upgrade to sniper

Sniper – 30 points + any equipment and extra weapons.
Has a sniper rifle and a telescopic sight (included in points cost)
May have a close combat weapon and grenades
May have armour with a total save of no more than 6. EG a flak jacket. They may not have a shield.
Snipers ignore SS penalties for being at over ½ range
If a sniper can see any part of a target, they may fire at it without any cover saves applying.
Snipers always operate on their own.
Snipers may infiltrate. See infiltrate in the main rules.
The main rules for aeroplanes are covered in the Aces High appendix which is included in the Overkill rules set and is available from   All rules sets on the site cost £1 each.

Revell produces an excellent 1:48 scale Huey that is suitable for use with 25-30mm figures.

Competition Time!

OK! It's the moment you've all been waiting for!:) The competition where you can win a copy of my Roadkill rules set. These rules are inspired by the 1975 cult film Death Race 2000 and all you have to do to be in with a chance is to answer two simple questions.

1 – Who played Frankenstein in the original 1975 version of Death Race 2000?

2 – Your answer from question one also starred in a TV series that ran from 1972 until 1975 and featured a lot of Chinese marshal arts. (At least, they should have done if you got No 1 right) What was the name of the TV series?

Now simply email your answers to me at and the first five, maybe a few more if I'm feeling generous, lucky people will get their rules as soon as I'm back from holiday. Sometime around the end of June.  Please put competition in the subject, thanks.

Don't forget that all of my rules are available from  and only cost £1 each!

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Free paving download

As with the post on concrete walls, if you print this off on A4 the paving is (hopefully) suitable for use with 25-30mm figures.  Hope someone finds this useful.

     Don't forget, I have some sets of rules for sale at  and each set only costs £1.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Snap Shot, a skills update for the Fallen Angels scifi rules

As the title says, this is an update to the skills information for my Fallen Angels skirmish rules.

Snap Shot – 5 points

A figure with this skill can use it in two ways:

1 – If an enemy moves from cover to cover, or into cover from the open, the shooter may fire at them with a -1 SS penalty even if the target is in cover at the end of their turn. The usual penalty for firing at a moving target does not apply.

EG an enemy fires their weapon while in the open, then moves into cover. The shooter may fire at them as if they are in the open. This costs 1 AP.

2 – If the shooter is in cover, they may use snap shot to raise their head above the cover, (if this is possible and gives them line of sight to their target) fire their weapon at -1 SS, then duck back into cover. This costs 2 AP's.
All of my rules are available at and cost £1 each.