Overkill covers psychic powers; movement, terrain;
close combat; ranged combat; psychology; morale and basic rules for
buildings. I've tried to keep this as focussed on the main
mechanics of the different sections as possible, as I hate having to
go through page after page, trying to find the information I want.
But, there are separate PDF's included that cover specific areas of
warfare and are add-ons to the main rules:
Klostraffobik – Deals with smaller forces fighting in
confined spaces, such as ruins. There are even more detailed rules
for tunnel fighting in my Fallen Angels skirmish rules though.
Apocalypse Alley – This is a set of rules for “modern”
seige warfare.
Blood And Sand – These rules for beach assaults from
landing craft.
Death From Above – These rules are for planetary
invasion from the point of view of the actual assault troops.
On Wings Of Fire – A set of rules for aerial combat
including dogfights and ground support.
There are tables and sets of cards to create a more
realistic sense of the chaos of war:
Orders – Tasks set by High Command that you have to
carry out. They give various points that decide who wins the battle.
Events – Random things that may, or may not, happen
each turn.
Psychic Powers – Can your psychic really do that?
Ouch! That looks messy.
Vehicle Damage – You hit the target and this table
tells you what happens.
Weapon Effects – You fire your huge cannon, but is
that shell a dud?
Toxic Hazards – What's that weird cloud? Did his
face just melt?
There is a separate PDF of ideas for figure
specifications, weapons, equipment and skills. There are some
thoughts for scenarios and a short campaign based on actual events on
the Eastern Front of WW2. Plus you get some blast and flame
Overkill is available from my shop www.1poundrules.website for £1.
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